When the pawn...
I just found out that Fiona Apple's sophomore album had a title that was so long, it was a poem. The execs decided to shorten it to this "When the pawn..." A vision you have of your art, your career, your life gets swept under the
Coming Soon
I just found out that Fiona Apple's sophomore album had a title that was so long, it was a poem. The execs decided to shorten it to this "When the pawn..." A vision you have of your art, your career, your life gets swept under the
It's pretty much all we'r e thinking about nowadays. "There has to be a way out..." or "How can I retire like now?" Not many of us will be able to retire before we're septuagenarians, but if you're
It's been 8 years and 14 days, since Prince passed away. It stung, I mean as far as som e one you admired and who was there on your TV, in your house when you were a child but you grew up and realized you would never meet
Everyone has a voice, it's time we started using it.
This is NOW n Later, a brand new site by Nancy Watts that's just getting started. Things will be up and running here shortly, but you can subscribe in the meantime if you'd like to stay up to date and receive emails when new content is