My unlikely journey

My unlikely journey

No way am I going another month​ before posting my thoughts on this past week. Hoooooly hell is this an amazing time to be alive. Let me take you back a few years (pre-COVID times).

It was June 2019, the biggest issue at that time was keeping the kids busy over summer break and how the hell we were going to get a shriveled orange maniac out of our House on Pennsylvania Avenue. Living in the midwest, it was not a great time to be liberal, or a woman, in a state that used to be a bastio​n of science and leaders but has fallen on hard times. So, you do what you can to make sure you improve your surroundings and make yourself heard. You volunteer for​​​​ local candidates and pay close attention to the next election. Enter Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

I saw this picture on social media around that time and felt a jolt. I knew as soon as I saw it what was about to unfold. A Biden Harris ticket would be born and they would win. Of course, their​​ campaign ​would be bolstered by an international pandemic and the absolute worst human being alive in the driver seat of the opposing party​​​​.​​​​​​​​​ I still felt like this was it, this was right, and I made it happen WITH MY MIND!​​​

What came next, the fight to win the Senate (thanks Georgia), the attempted coup and awfulness that ​​​​​was January 6th, with the pandemic in the background​​​. JFC, was there a lot to fix ​and healing needed. Always in the back of my mind, would we finally get to elect our first female president? ​This is what we needed. And she was going to be her.​​​​​​​

I love Joe Biden, with all my heart, I wanted to see him succeed. He is GOOD, and kind. He made mistakes over his career but he knew his shit and could get us through a pandemic. He made better choices.​​​ He led​ us away from the pile of human waste that had stained our name and our homes. He can't fix everything or everyone, but he kept us moving. I can't thank him enough for getting us through (even though Garland should have done more sooner); his​ credit is due​.​ And still I knew, we had to move forward and KEEP our sanity. Joe was starting to age; ​​and dealing with the cracks he kept filling​ (and he never stopped, never wavered) was ​​taking its​​ ​toll. Then July 21, 2024 happened.

I won't dignify the weeks before his choice with a spotlight but as I said, age doesn't​​​​ stop​​​​ coming and you have to know your limits. But I didn't expect it to happen and I feared it would happen at the same time. That was it, fear...

Tried to keep cool but when President Biden announced he was stepping down from the campaign for re-election, I was a mess. For 4 hrs...​​​​​​​​​​​ Even after he endorsed Madame VP, I couldn't take it. My nerves were shot and it took me a while to really... remember.

She is our best representative, and I always knew it. She is our leader and it finally came back. She is going to be our first ​​​​​​​​​​female president, representing 51% of the population. Finally!

Last night was, and the whole week just factually, beautiful and freeing. We now have this chance​ to essentially regain control and build our ​country​ into a more perfect union. Our next president, No. 47, is a fighter, an intellectual and a no nonsense, fully qualified AND certified bad ass​​​. She gives us the chance to make things right. President Harris, Madam President, we will show up for you.

On that note I leave you with this verse: "VP Harris, Governor Walz... 2024​"


