Ray of Light
Not my favorite Madonna song, but Like a Prayer as a title for this post is a crucifix too hot for this atheist to hold.​​​​​​​​​
So... Wine...
There's a great wide gaping chasm of darkness and shit coming our way in the next 4 years that totally fucks my plans. Thanks Biden 🙄 We get to go from the best leader of the free world in the past century to...One thing you won't ever read in my posts is the PoS name because I'm too fuck​​ing nice​ to post all my thoughts on the orange shitstain that's​​ going to soil the White House... AGAIN!!! 🤬
My tongue will be battered and bruised from all the biting I will do.​​ Gonna have to save​​ my choice words and wishes for my offline journal. I will be calling my leadership Madam President for the foreseeable future and I will be ignoring all other government officials up until I have to take my daughter and son out of the country to maintain quality of life.​​ If these fucking morons in this unfortunate backwards state ​​can pretend they are in pow​er and not just Kremlin West​​, I can pretend this whole fucking nightmare never happened. I'm choosing my own adventure.
​Now, assuming my son gets to stay on our health insurance and his medical bills aren't in the millions before he turns 26.​​​​
Assuming my daughter gets into the college she wants and gets to travel as extensively as possible in the near future, for as long as it takes to fix​ this damn, broken democracy or until she can get in and fix it for us.​
Assuming my nervous system is still intact in 4 years, then let's get back to plans. I bought a study guide to go through wine expert training. Specifically the SWE 2024 Certified Specialist of Wine Study Guide. It's sort of preparing for WSET 1 and sort of general wine knowledge​​​. I can dig it though, it goes through chemistry and environment which is in my wheelhouse. I can start to recognize flavor characteristics and better define the wines I'm tasting. It'll be a journey and you're goddamn right​ I deserve to travel myself out of my nightmares and into some semblance of joy. Because I'm a ray of sunshine and I make everyone's lives better that I touch 😂
One way to do this is with merriment and knowledge.
Seriously, I will focus on the positive and minimize the negative if it kills me. That's what passes for resilience nowadays​. If it takes another exam to do it, sign me up. I mean, I've worked too damn hard keeping too many people alive and companies accountable to their patients, most of whom will never be grateful they can count on their meds to be effective and prolong their miserable lives, I'm reclaiming my time in my final act.​​​​​​​​
Last note: The Holidays will be challenging for many of us, and I find gin challenging as well. I'm never gonna LOVE it but I'm working through taste profiles and my brain likes a puzzle. Try gin and cranberry with an orange twist and a sugar rim if you're feeling down. It'll perk you up.
-Til the last drop, N​