The Funeral

The Funeral
The song is The Funeral by Band of Horses. The logo (and the song) make me happy when I'm sad.

On a more personal note, we are again at Day 0 of "Days Without A School Shooting" in the US. I have many, many thoughts on the latest murders in Tennessee​​.

First, my youngest is the same grade as the Sandy Hook victims. ​This means that her entire schooling has included ALICE drills and mentally preparing for an attack at her school.

Next, those sweet babies should be graduating this year.

Republicans in the United States, with previous help from feckless Democrats, have done their best to ensure our children grow up in a state of continuous​​ terror. This while blaming liberal ideology for societal downfall. We grew up with fire drills and tornado warnings, our children are being taught to remain quiet so they aren't hunted in a place that should be part of their home.​ I am sick and goddamn tired of the narrative that ​​​​​​​ protecting our rights means ​our families must work, learn and grow​​ in a live target range​​. Guns are meant for one reason: Killing.​ If you are so insecure without a weapon that you​ need to carry one into public spaces​​​​​​, you need therapy. Gun controls are there for the common good. If you don't like that, you don't want to live in our ​society and you can leave.​​​​​​

Don't get me started on parents who buy their children weapons. We're finally moving in the right direction with prosecuting these criminals. Aiding and abetting is a crime, and you either don't know what your child needs or don't care what they do with them if you​​​ think that's appropriate. You have a problem, seek help.

Republicans in Congress wearing AR-15 pins and spouting off about their rights, you are on notice. We are lucky enough to have ​​Gen Z reaching voting age, who as adults will actually make the choices their adult leaders failed to​. They have grown up with a wonderful sense of direction and know what they need. They don't want this terror for their children, OR ANY CHILDREN! I'll do whatever I can to help them improve the world and lead where there elders refused to. ​​​​​​

In case I haven't been clear, you are either evil or out of your fucking mind (or both) if you don't know what the problem is and how to fix it.​​ ​​It's the guns.

If you want to fix it​​, welcome to the Democratic party. We have a big tent and a LOT of energy for this fight. Let me know if you need a ride to the polls.​

'Til the last drop - N​​