
The Princess of Wales Theater where I first saw Wicked, a battle of wits and the fight for social justice​​.​​

Yes, I said it. And I'm happy now. I hope you're happy, my friend.

I happened to be in Toronto this past summer on a short getaway and had a free night. One ticket was left, well one I saw open anyway, so I snagged it. That was my introduction to Elphaba, Glinda (the "Ga" is silent​​​​​​​) and a little song called Defying Gravity. ​

The night before, I downloaded the original Broadway cast, just the album. I love Kristen Chenoweth and Idina Menzel so I was of course loving their playful banter and stunning vocals. The songs were alright, didn't stick with me (except Defying Gravity)​ but at least I got the jist of what I was going to see.​​ ​​​​​While the playhouse was like a homecoming, small but elegant, and the ​touring cast was VERY good, acting, voices, all of it, I wasn't a die-hard fan. The story was sweet and the music was fine, just didn't have me buying all the merch and wanting more. Truly, no slight to the production, I just was pleasantly entertained. I do remember being fond of the twist, enemies to friends. Girls supporting each other, even if somewhat hesitantly. I liked that.​

Then ​​the movie was coming out later in the fall and ​honestly I felt the same. ​​​​​​​​​​​ I​was willing to give it a shot but my expectations weren't high. ​Ariana acting? Cynthia, again no slight, love her, but I just didn't get jazzed about it.

Then I saw it...

Now, the last movie I remember seeing​​multiple times in the theater FOR MYSELF was...

checks notes

Good Will Hunting, 1997​​​.

So when I say that I have seen this movie in the theater now 3 TIMES, well it means something. With popcorn! Aside from so many replays of the soundtrack while working or cleaning. It is that good.​​ I am a fan. I​t was released on streaming over the New Year, and I needed a little holiday pick-me-up...​​​

Let's say that Cynthia Erivo is now my absolute favorite musical and dramatic actress. She can do​​​​ no wrong, as if she ever would. He portrayal of Elphaba was steadfast, wondrous​ and heartbreaking. Aside from the voice, her depth of understanding for longing, understated willful obstinate ​​individuality with a passionate desire for acceptance and finally her strength while accepting the reality of her situation​ and knowledge that she had to lead when no one else would. JFC, and Ariana hit those notes. Like, fucking smacked the shit out of ​them​​​. The rest of the cast was good but those two reminded me of why I was at least a little touched when I saw the stage play. The story was about women becoming friends and finally sisters. And of course discovering their​ worth​​​. Plus the backhanded fuckery of​​ current social unrest and mistrial ​of justice, I need that​​ release and finally that hope. They gave me the outlet that after a month of mourning and sadness I desperately needed.​​

While I will never not feel a pang of regret that Mi​​c​helle Yoh betrayed us, along with Jeff Goldblum's creepy aging hippy stoner Wizard dad, I will always take the dance from ​​Johnathan Bailey over the stage version. Every. Time.

So if you care to find me LOOK to the Western sky. As someone told me lately EVERYONE deserves a chance to fly.

And if I'm flying solo, at least I'm flying free. To those who'd ​​​​​​​ground​ me, take a message back from MEEEE!

Nobody, in all of Oz. No wizard that there is or was, is ever going to bring ME DOOOOOOOOOWWWWNNNN.​​

Can't wait for Act 2...

-Til the last drop, N